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The Collegium Gift Registry
The Collegium Gift Registry is operated through Holy Angels Ministries,
a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to supporting the Collegium.
Your donation toward the purchase of items in the registry constitute
fully deductible contributions.
Help us provide faithful, affordable, classical education.
The cost of providing our education and formation is a little over $28,000/year. We charge our students $13,800/year. You can make a contribution to purchase specific needed items below - or you can contribute toward the purchase of any of these items.
Preparing for
Medical Professions
If a student wishes to prepare for a medical profession, it will be necessary to take courses during the summers that are not a part of The Collegium curriculum.
The table below is a general guide giving the courses that are required for various professions in the medical field. Students can use this guide to plan their summer courses.
NOTE: This guide is general. Students should check with institutions they would want to attend to be sure of specific requirements.

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