The Collegium Gift Registry
The Collegium Gift Registry is operated through Holy Angels Ministries,
a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to supporting the Collegium.
Your donation toward the purchase of items in the registry constitute
fully deductible contributions.
Help us provide faithful, affordable, classical education.
The cost of providing our education and formation is a little over $28,000/year. We charge our students $13,800/year. You can make a contribution to purchase specific needed items below - or you can contribute toward the purchase of any of these items.
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The Collegium is an independent institution of higher learning that pledges full fidelity to the unchanging Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Faculty and staff are practicing Catholics who are fully supportive of the Collegium’s mission and have signed the Oath Against Modernism.
The Collegium is committed to keeping the cost of attending college as low as possible. The cost for room, board and tuition is approximately $16,800 per year.
The Collegium’s curriculum is foundational to our mission to impart the knowledge of God, that He might be loved and served in this world. We have a set, integrated, cohesive curriculum of theology, philosophy, history, English, literature, logic, rhetoric, Latin, math, science, music and art. Yet, the program also incorporates work experience in our Ora et Labora student work program.

The Collegium
Faithful. Affordable. Classical.